New Abilities
This page is dedicated to FAN FICTION. George Lucas created an entire universe, a universe that even fans can get into.

Now, this page is for fans like Darth Madd to come up with their own stories in the STAR WARS universe.

Threre are rules in submitting FAN FICTION. Since this is Darth Madds Sith World, we only accept good stories about Darth Maul or his master Darth Sidious. One big suggestion is to base all your stories before the events that took place on STAR WARS EPISODE I THE PHANTOM MENACE, that way, you can come up with more creative ideas if the story is set BEFORE that movie. Any one who likes to submit their story can email me at
And May the Force be with you!


This story is all fan fiction and has NO involvement with the creators at Lucas Film or FOX STUDIOS



A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away The Sith Lords have discovered that a Jedi, Horus Passulet has been spying on the Order. Darth Sidious calls his apprentice Darth Maul to go on a mission.

“Your mission is to eliminate Horus Passulet. I completely trust you, Lord Maul”. Darth Maul holds his belt and Light Saber Yes Master.

There is a scene of the peaceful planet of Naboo where the great Jedi Horus Passulet is talking to an 11 year old girl Padme.
Horus is the uncle of Padme. He tells Padme that he has to go on a very important mission and the Jedi Council on Coruscant do NOT know it.

Then we see Darth Mauls Sith Infiltrator move on the skies of Naboo. Darth Maul walks on Naboo. He tries to trace Horus but he is NOT on the planet anymore.

On the planet of Iridonia, Horus searches very hard and wants to see a Sith Lord again and eliminate him. He tries to contact Padme and the Naberries on Naboo but it is useless. His communications are busted.

Finally, the Jedi council, Yoda and Mace Windu find out about his independent mission. He tries to ask him why he cannot contact Padme. They tell him they cut down all communications for the safety of his relatives and friends. He gets wild at the Jedi Council and goes to Coruscant.

He goes to Naboo but Darth Maul has left for another planet. Darth Maul is on Alderaan looking for him because there was a communications trace from Horus there.

When Horus is about to stop finding the Sith Lord. Darth Maul meets him and jumps at him wielding his DOUBLE BLADED LIGHT SABER the two ends of the Sith Lords Laser Sword spin like a tornado while Horus ignites his own weapon. The Green and Red Light Sabers hit each other and hum loudly when they fight on the open field of Alderaan. Darth Maul reaches a space port and accidentally cuts an engine when he passes by. Then he uses the Dark Side of the Force to move the destroyed projectile and strike Horus but Horus slices it in half. Then Horus decides to use the Force and throw a debris to him but Darth Maul spins the Double Bladed Sword and cuts the flying debris to pieces. Then Horus Force Jumps on a high bridge and Darth Maul uses the Dark Side to follow.

There is a scene on Naboo where Padme, Ryoo and Pooja wonder where Uncle Horus is. “I hope hes alright!”

Then the fighting did NOT stop on Alderaan. The Sith Lord kicks the Jedi and the Jedi falls on the cockpit window of a space ship on the Hangar Spaceport Horus decides to use the Force and finally kill the Sith Lord but Darth Maul parries spins, his sword and cuts the Jedi in half. The Jedi falls on the spaceship the two pieces of his body separated.

Darth Sidious returns to Coruscant on the Sith Secret Base and he reports the good news to his Master.

Very Good, Darth Maul
you have completed your mission again.
But remember, this is NOT your final test yet!

Darth Maul stands straight Yes, Master

On Naboo, Padme finds out that while his uncle was gone, he killed many people on his way and won many battles that tried to stop him from what happened. But they never found out what happened to Horus Passulet. He is still in the Shadows…