By the way, I predicted your number was 5!!!! Amazing right?
tell how the legend all began.

The first
movie of the saga STAR WARS EPISODE I THE PHANTOM MENACE was released on 1999 and became
the Number One Box Office Hit on that year.


Return to that Galaxy Far, Far Away on this
Episode of the saga. This is the
with well
choreographed action scen
es, good music,
excellent Visual Effects and a very good story.

It is about the Dark Side of the Force rising with two Sith Lords working at the sides
on invading
the planet of Naboo When two Jedi are
assigned, they also free a boy named Anakin because Qui Gon Jinn predicts the
will bring balance to the universe.

Watch the fight scene between the 2
Jedi and

Darth Maul

1999 Rated PG Directed by George Lucasr>

Last Update April 12, 2001


403 days until the release of this movie, I am
writing this Story Synopsis.

Return to a Galaxy Far, Far Away with
Assassins, Mandalorians and an evil S
ith Lord
Count Dooku played by Christopher

The story begins with asssination attempts on
Padme Amidala a Senator played by
Natalie Portman and is protetedc by th
e Jedi Obi
Wan Kenobi and his student Anakin Skywaker. During those events, Chancellor Palpatine is
having debates on the Galactic Senate whether he will create a Clone Army to assist the
Jedi in fighting the Rebel Forces

When anakin is together with Padme, he d
the death of his mother on Tattooine and the
going on the planet Geonosis

A Clone Army was created by an Impostor--Sith
Master Darth Sidious

And supervised by Darth Tyranus/Count Dooku. When
Anakin Skywalker and Padme reach Geonosis,
there is a big war between the Rebels and the Jedi Knights. There is even a battle between Obi
Wan, Anakin and Count Dooku. And a wonderful
ending of Anakins weddng with Padm
e. The last
scene in the movie is where Palpatine is
given the greenlight to produce a Clone Army
and fight off the rebel forces. No one knows
that Palpatine will use this Clones to control the galaxy. The last line said by Yoda to Obi Wan is, Victory? A defeat it was, Master Obi Wan,
begun the Clone War has



Still 4 years away….This was written on April
12, 2001
and is a theory of how the final

chapter of the prequel saga will end. This is
also the way we want it to be in order for it to be a perfect movie.

Tension is brewing in the Senate. The once loyal
Clonetroopers are now attacking the planets close
to the Republic. The Jedi Knights who fought have died and there are only a few members of the Jedi
to hold the order.

Then Obi Wan Kenobi is told to look for Anakin Skywalker, his former apprentice who was banished
because of disobeying the Jedi Code of
Marriage. On Tattooine, he walks and finds the
Lars Homestead, he even went to Boonta Eve and
saw another Race while walking. On the Lars Homestead, Obi Wan sees Anakin and Padme, also
retired from public service. And asks them to go back into service because the Repulic and the
Jedi are beginning to fall.
That night, Padme and Anakin discuss and Anakin is
finally conviced to join them. Padme is still pregnant.

Next day, Anakin leaves and goes to Coruscant where there is a meeting of the Jedi Council. After that Chancellor Palpatine assignes him on a mission to bring an Armada of salvaged Naboo crafts to battle
Confederation Forces.

Anakin does his job well on defeating the
confederaton forces but escapes Count Dookus ship who was following him and attempting to kill him.

The Councli finds out that Padme is pregnant and to NOT tell Anakin about it. They decide to move Padme to Alderaan and keep her sa.

fe from Anakin and
the war. Thru Palpatine, Anakin finds out about this. And palpatine sends a spy to find out where
exactly did they place her. There is an invasion on Naboo and Jar Jar and Captain Tarpals
are one of the survivors of the war Disen Bad!
And Bail Organa forms an alliance to battle the enemies…

Padme gives birth to twins Luke And Leia. Leia is
taken to Bail Organa for safety. While luke is taken to Owen Lars and Beru on Tattoine by Obi Wan.
Anakin finds and meets Padme and asks about the babies. Padme Lied to him and
said that they were taken by the Council to Coruscant. Palpatine finds out about this and
talks to Anakin and he doubts the motives of the Council. He said it is time to take action.
Palpatine reveals himself to be Darth Sidious, attacks the Council with 60 Super Assassin Droids
and declares himself Emperor.

Anakin goes to a volcanic Power Plant with a
molten pit and finds Count Dooku and Mace Windu. He asks Where is my wife? and Dooku replies Padme is dead Anakin believes this
lie and blames Mace Windu I did NOT motherfucking do anything to your wife! Anakin
kills Mace and fights with Count Dooku, Obi
and Anakins arms are cut off and Obi Wan gets his
Light Saber, whiel Anakin is about to fal
on the pit, Emperor arrives and levitates him and takes him away and ignores Obi Wan…

Anakin becomes a Sith Lord Darth Vader and all the doctors who turned him into a robot were killed by Palpatine for secret reasons. (I think Eddei Murphy can be a good voice if James earl Jones gets too

Obi Wan meets Padme, the two droids on Alderaan and
finds out Padme is Very sick and

Then he goes to Tatooine and finds Owen refusing to give the Light Saber to Luke.

Yoda goes to Dagobah into hiding and the last scene is of Ben Kenobi standing on Tatooine with Bail Organa VOICE OVER Your children will be alright, the Rebel alliance is a beginning we will win and PAN TO THE STARS


Last Update April 16, 2001

If George Lucas wants to bring Darth Maul back. Here is the Plot Speculation for Darth Maul fans. And it can be a very good movie if all these things in the story come true with Darth Maul being back for the last time


A Long Time ago, in a galaxy very far away

It is a darker time for the .

Republic. Ever since Count Dooku, a separatist has been hunted down and assassinated by the Jedi, the once loyal Clonetroopers of Chancellor Palpatine are attacking the planets that are close to the Republic and separating them together. The Jedi are told to investigate and find out if another powerful fighter is commanding the army in the shadows.

Master Yoda talks to veteran Jedi Obi Wan Kenobi and tells him to find another Jedi for assistance. He is told to go to Tattooine and bring his transport.

On Tatooine, Obi Wan Kenobi tries to find Anakin Skywalker, he even went to a Boonta Eve Race to see if he is on the area. He found Anakin and Padme Skywalker. Anakin was retired from service because of the forbidden code of marriage and Padme is also retired from service. In the Lars Homestead, Anakin is requested to go the Council and return to become a Jedi because there are only a few Jedi to handle the war on the planets. The next day, Anakin, left and brought the japor snippet medallion that he gave Padme 12 years before for good luck. Then there are flashbacks of Anakins 9 year old self--------- I will come back and free you, mom I promise and I made this out of a japor snippet, I care for you too

Then Anakin is on Coruscant and brought on the Jedi Council with Mace Windu, Plo Koon, Yoda and Ki Adi Mundi with Obi Wan.
Yoda and Mace Windu do NOT want Anakin around because he can easily be consumed by the Dark Side. Then Anakin and Palpatine meet and he is on an assignment. He will lead an Armada of space ships and fight with the Confederation Forces also controlled by a Sith Lord.

On Outer Space, Anakin and his armada fight with the Confederation Ships and kill many. Plenty of ships of Anakins team were also taken out. At the same time, Darth Sidious contacts Darth Maul, a Sith Clone and has been an apprentice before. Darth Sidious said that the battle is for
kin to show his abilities to them so they can kill

im later. The
n Anakin takes out enough ships an
d le
aves with his Armada.

On Tatooine, Owen Lars and Padme are talkin
g. They all found out that Padme is pregnant and a little weak. Anakin goes back to Palpatine and tells him that he has eliminated all enemies. Palpat
ine said Very Good<

Then Darth Sidious contacts Darth Maul and tells him to accelerate plans. Then the
br>y plan to invade Naboo. And there is a sce
ne on Naboo with Representative Gungan Jar Jar and Captain Tarpals. Then the Clonetroopers invade the Naboo and Jar Jar NEVER got hit by anything. Padme heard about this and is moved to Alderaan with Bail Organa for safety purposes.

It has been many months and Anakin has NOT heard anything about Padme. Earlier, the Council knew that Padme was pregnant but did NOT tell Anakin. Then Palpatine is on the Senate and is asked to be given unlimited authority to control the republic and make even more Clonetroopers.

Later Anakin found out that Padme was pregnant and is angry at the Council and Obi W.

He asked the council to let him go back to Padme but the Council will not listen or allow any v
of it. And they did not tell Anakin w
here Padme is. Palpatine and Anakin talk and they are also doubting the motives of the Jedi Council. Palpatine revealed to Anakin that it can be time to have action and control the galaxy to bring order.

Ki Adi Mundi is sent to spy on the leader of the rebel clones. He finds out that it is Dart
h Maul, and Darth Maul uses his Double Bladed Light Saber while Ki Adi Mundi fires his own. Darth Maul killed Ki Adi Mundi and blasted his body with a bomb.

Padme gives birth to Luke and Leia. Leia is with Bail Organa and taken away from Padme for safety and Luke is temporarily with them after Padme gave birth.

Palpatine is on the Senate again and Bail Organa wants to have authority that is as powerful as Palpatine and will make his own sol.

diers with or without the approval of the Congress. Mon Mothma also agrees, but one official his nam
e is Grand Moff Tarkin will disagree and tell Or
gana that they will hunt him down if he goes out of control of this a.

Bail Organa accused Palp.



e that he is in league with the Clonetroopers and supervising the attacks (it was his idea to produce clones). Anakin is still waiting on Palpat.

ines quarters and Obi Wan leaves the Council and likes to find Anakin.

Darth Maul and Darth Sidious attack the
Jedi Council and kill the members that are on the temple, the temple shell dome is smoking and Obi Wan with Anakin is away. Mace Windu has escaped but the Jedi Knights waiting are all dead. Palpatine went out and declared himself Emperor now that the Jedi Knights are gone and he will be in charge of taking care of the war.

Yoda went to Dagobah to hide. Palpatine went back to his quarters and Anakin is there. They also talk and plan to finish the mission of taking over the galaxy right away.

On Alderaan, the Clonetroopers and Darth Maul kidnap Padme and take her to Coruscant. Anakin finds Padme on a lower area of Coruscant and a power plant with volcanic activity. There is an endless shaft that leads to a lava pit that is the source of electricity and power to the planet.

On the plant, Anakin finds Padme is shackled and weak after giving birth to babies. Padme told him that he loves him so much and Anakin was not able to ask what happened to the offsprings because Darth Maul attacks with his Double Ended Sword. Anakin and the resurrected Sith Clone are fighting on the plant. Then Mace Windu arrived and finds the big power plant area Mace Windu stole a space ship. Darth Maul is separated from Anakin and Mace Windu blasts Darth Maul and his body is destroyed. Mace says Good for you, motherfucker. Anakin saw Padme is unconscious from an accident when the duel happened and thought that Padme is dead. Padmes body is full of blood. Obi Wan arrives and Anakin blames his Master for the accident. Mace Windu and Anakin and Obi Wan fight on the plant, Padme is still Unconscious. Obi Wan cuts Anakins arm off and Mace accidentally cuts Anakins legs. Darth Sidious arrived and Anakin fell down on the shaft and his body bumps very, VERY hard to the walls of the pit hole. Mace and Obi Wan take Padmes body and Anakins Light Saber and leave right away. Then Darth Sidious levitates Anakin, Anakin is NOT conscious and his body is stiff.

Palpatine reveals to Anakin that he is Darth Sidious and brain washed him with hate and the Dark Side. Anakin is a droid and a Sith Lord Darth Vader. When Mace is requested to bring back Anakin, Obi Wan goes to Alderaan and told Padme its time to keep Luke and give them to Owen Lars and Beru. Padme agreed and Obi Wan is on his way.]

Mace Windu and Darth Vader fight and Darth Vader uses Darth Mauls Double Edged Sword. Darth Vader used a VERY large debris and knocks and kills Mace Windu. But Mace Winmdu was able to cut one end of Darth Vaders Light Saber. Palpatine and Moff Tarkin with Vader are his loyal assistants. His plan of creating an Empire is complete. The Clonetroopers are taking orders from Palpatine and Darth Sidious only.

Padme is on Alderaan and is very sick, her children are away so the Emperor will not be able to touch them.

Obi Wan goes to Tatooine and tells Owen to give the Light Saber to Luke but Owen says He might follow old Obi Wan on a damn stupid idealistic crusade like Anakin. Obi Wan left and changed his name to Ben. WE HEAR: A voice over of Bail Organa, Do NOT worry , my new rebellion only has a few members but we WILL win against the new empire of Palpatine, we will win, and your offsprings will have the responsibility then PAN to the stars of Alderaan and of the Tattooine sky and FADE OUT TO END CREDITS.


--April 16, 2001 Star Wars Episode III Plot Speculation.

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