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A Long Time ago in a Galaxy, Far Far Away
The Sith Lords were the most terrifying beings in the universe

Darth Sidious is one of the most brilliant and maybe the most deadly of the Sith Lords. He is NOT just a being, he is a tradition, a heritage.

He has hatched a plan to take over the galaxy.

He has trained his apprentice DARTH MAUL very well and because of that, the Jedi are almost NO match for his apprentice.

The exercises given to Lord Maul were Run up a wall and land on his feet, Light Saber Duels, run up the icy slope of the mountain and come down at top speed and death training by fighting Assassin Droids

He also gave concern to Darth Mauls intellectual perfection. Do NOT underestimate the Jedi, though they have a fatal flaw, they are dangerous.

What is their fatal flaw, Master?

Darth Sidious and his field agent Darth Maul have drawn stength from hate knowing that some day they will defeat the Jedi.

Darth Maul has said in his Journal You may think I am evil. I am NOT. I am effieceint, I serve my Master and the Glorious Sith tradition. We circle the Jedi and they do NOT know it, we are NOT less powerful for being hidden

That is correct. His Master has drilled single –mindedness from a very early age hoping it will become a record of bravery and cleverness. And later on, thanks to the training of Darth Sidious, Lord Maul was able to defeat the Great Qui Gon Jinn one of the most noble and respected but powerful Jedi Masters
His face-tatoos, yellow eyes and horns strike terror even to the most focused adversaries like the Jedi. Darth Mauls many missions for Darth Sidious has made him the Ultimate warrior of the universe.

A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Here are some of the great Sith Teachings

Darth Sidious will let his student Darth Maul figth with his Double Ended Light Saber always. One of the good exercsises is Fighting Assassin Droids. Assassin Droids are an important part of training. They are precise, fast but they can NOT move as fast as a Sith Lord can.

From THE DARTH MAUL JOURNAL One day Darth Sidious apprentice Darth Maul was about to do his daily exercises. He activated 3 deadly Assassin Droids to attack him and shoot to kill. Darth Maul did an excellent job in slicing off the Droids heads and defeating them. The last Droid chased him, he jumped at his back, landed on his feet and sliced the droids head. He held the Light Saber loosely at his hand and is very happy that he did a good job on the exercise… Then his Light Saber, flies away form his hand and onto his Masters his master used the Dark Side of the Force to pull his sword.

Lord Maul, do you think you can ever relax your guard?

No, Master

Do NOT let me see you relax your guard again, you are valuable Lord Maul but your NOT indispensable. I can do without you.

Then Darth Sidious moved so quickly and followed the traces of his students body, One Flinch and he is dead but Darth Maul does NOT flinch. Finally, Sidious throws him back his Light Saber after moving so fast that his student cannot follow him with his eyes.

Then Darth Maul uses his hate against the Jedi. It is the fault of the Jedi I have failed my Master. He uses a funnel of strong hate and forms a blade aimed towards the Jedi.

Darth Sidious told Darth Maul once Never break a fall. If you are prepared to break a fall, you are prepared for the fall itself. Sith do NOT fall, the do NOT fail.

His Master told him to train with the Light Saber at all times until the stroke becomes balanced for the arm itself. Even if he has never missed for many years. Hate is a living thing, young Maul. Feed it and it will grow He also told Darth Maul about the powers of the Jedi Remember, Darth Maul, do NOT assume the Jedi will be easy to defeat. Challenge. That is the cornerstone of Sith training. I keep you off balance. And remember the power the Dark Side will give you



A Long Time Ago in a galaxy far, far away

Darth Maul is on his training sessions now, Darth Sidious commands him to run up a wall and land on his feet but he keeps slipping.

There is no pain where strength lies. Do it Again!

Darth Maul did it again very well but his Master told him That was pathetic! Do it again!

F--k you, Master!

Thats it! Let the hate flow!!!

Never break a fall. If you are prepared to break a fall you are prepared for the fall itself. Sith do NOT fall, they do NOT fail

After those excersices, he was told to fight Sidious with his red Light Saber. His Master kicked his face and Darth Maul fell on the ground. Your starting to get clumsy, my apprentice! Then Darth Maul waved his Light Saber 10 times and the sword of his Master flew away.

Good, your hate has made you powerful! Now, use your weapon, strike me down weith all of your hate! I am UNarmed

Then Maul thrusts his Saber to his Master and Sidious directs electric bolts from the Dark Side to his apprentice and Maul falls to the ground..

Remember, my apprentice, NEVER underestimate your Master!


Two days later, Maul and his Master are on the Sith Archives.

Lord Maul!

Yes, Master?

I will send you on a mission to kill a Togorain Jedi named BRUCK

Bruck is a Jedi apprentice ont the temple and trains with the young Obi Wan Kenobi.


Bruck the Jedi student is walking to his apartment on a Coruscant Bridge.

Then Darth Maul ignites a Double Ended Laser Sword and attacks the Jedi brat. The Jedi also ignites his own single blue saber and they both fight each other. Maul uses the Dark Side and levitates a peace of machinery trying to knock the ugly togorian down the streets of the planet but the lucky Jedi cuts the projectile in half.

Then the Jedi attacks Maul on the right side of the neck but the Sith lifts his right arm and blocks the strike. Finally with one effective blow, the sith lord uses the hilt of his Light Saber and runs Bruck through. The Jedi staggers and is bleeding on the ground. Son of a bitch!, shouted the failed Jedi. Then the Jedi started whining It hurts! Help Me!

Darth Maul finds out that the blue Light Saber of the annoying brat is a training Saber and cannot kill unless you are Super Strong.
When Maul slowly gets the Light Saber of Bruck, the Jedi swings it and hits Mauls neck, knocing the Sith Lord off the bridge and onto another catwalk.

Maul quieckly jumps up to that bridge but the stupud Togorian is gone.

When Darth Maul reported the news to Sidious he said.

Very good, my apprentice, but the battle is NOT over until your opponent is dead.

Sorry Master.

Do NOT fail me again. Tonight you are punished, I will NOT reward you with a PlayStation 2 game!

But Master!!!!

No, your carelessness is your undoing.

John Smith
123 Any Street, Somewhereville, USA 123123



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